Jen grew up in the suburbs of Chicago, became a speech-language pathologist and worked in public schools for 6 years before meeting her future husband and relocating to the beautiful upper peninsula of Michigan in 2002. After being a stay at home Mom for 7 years, she joined the team at Marquette Area Public Schools as a speech-language pathologist where she worked for 11 years. Jen is licensed in the state of Michigan and has her Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC) through the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) as a speech-language pathologist. Through licensure and certification, she has “the knowledge, skills and expertise to provide high quality clinical services.” – ASHA.org
Jen is passionate about finding ways to support families and children with disabilities as well as the teams who provide educational services to these children as well as providing speech and language services to children including assessment and treatment. She has advocated for her students and clients since becoming a speech-language pathologist and is excited to discover more resources for families and make connections with and for families.
Since June 2020, Jen has also been certified as an Oola Life Coach and in July 2021, she became an Oola Founding Ambassador. With life pulling us in different directions every day, it is difficult to find balance in our lives. With the Oola lifestyle framework, Jen guides adults and teens through the 7 F’s of Oola (Fitness, Finance, Family, Field, Faith, Friends & Fun), as well as what is blocking you from and what can accelerate you to your goals and dreams. Pushing through depression and anxiety through the use of the Oola framework has made a positive impact in Jen’s life and others, and it can for you as well!
In her free time, Jen enjoys spending time with family and friends, two beagles, scrapbooking, traveling, kayaking, biking and reading. She also volunteers throughout the community and is the Communication and Advocacy Director for Project Jade, a non-profit organization, that provides core communication boards for facilities that have a need, including but not limited to schools, parks or playgrounds, and assisting children with a variety of special needs in securing any tools or equipment needed.

Lorelei was born on January 26, 1979 and grew up in Negaunee Michigan in a home with two loving parents and 2 sisters. At the young age of 20, she ventured out west, where she started working in the restaurant industry. After a few years of hard work, Lorelei was promoted to a position of General Manager at a well loved local restaurant in Park City, Utah. During her position as Manager, Lorelei learned the importance of Leadership, Team Building, The Importance of Mutual Respect, Organization, Guest Satisfaction, and a Strong Work Ethic. She resided there for 10 years and then moved back to Marquette to be closer to her family.
Lorelei met her partner in 2011. They became parents to a beautiful boy and then 2 years later were blessed to have another son.
When her first child was born they were informed that he had a muscle disorder in his leg. They spent many years doing therapy with him and the outcome has been amazing as he is now running and playing sports. When her youngest son was 2 years old, they noticed delays and certain characteristics that they would later find out was Autism Spectrum Disorder.
This is when Lorelei decided to fully immerse herself in researching and self educating to help her son and family in their new forever journey of living as a family with Special Needs. Her passion in this research led her to a deep passion for Helping other Families with Disabilities by Supporting and Advocating. She also continues to take and complete online courses to educate herself on differently abled exceptional people.
Lorelei has joined Find Your Voice and is committed to supporting and empowering parents to help them find resources and to navigate through the years of growth of their children using positive, loving and hopeful tactics. She also uses strategic thinking to help her son and other families to create individualized tools and strategies to help create an easier and a more successful environment and life for their children with special needs.
In her free time Lorelei loves to cater events, cook and bake, make jewelry, garden and spend time with her close family and friends.